In Aneeland people worship the great shoe that washed up on pickle rick beach in 965 B.C. The shoe is very important to their culture and they have multible shoe worshiping cerimonies each year.
Aneeland has many gods and a very in depth religious history. In 889 B.C the nation of Aneeland was created after a group of settelers got stranded on a beach. The only thing that they had with them was vineger, salt and cucumbers. They soon discoverd that by making pickles they could survive. Because of this they started worshiping pickles and became picklists Later on they spread across the vast island until they became a sucsessful cucumber farming nation.
Every thing was going well for them until a mysterious shoe washed up on pickle rick beach. The currant ruler at that time was Humphry Mc'Nuggets and he thought that the shoe was a sacred item so he decided to make a new releigion called shoeisim. Humphry Mc'Nuggets forced his citizens to worship the shoe and become a shoeist or else they would be punished by death. Some people did not like the fact that they had to worship th great shoe and decided to continue being picklists.
Sir Zain Ali Khan was the savior of the picklists and he founded a new land where all picklists could live in peace whithout fearing the shoeists. This new land is called Zain Land.
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